Tuesday, March 10, 2009


(use umbrellas this summer.. and it should be pink ok? xD)

I'm not able to write any blog yesterday because of tons of work to do..
i wanna say a lot, a lot that i don't know where I'll start..

yesterday was as simple as those past few days in my life, but there is just a thing that made that day EXTRA ORDINARY..
while i was on lrt waiting to arrive at
pureza station, i noticed something irritating at my hand..
there's a lil dot in my right hand, just like of a
i just saw one so i didn't gave much attention to it.. but when I'm about to go home, i noticed that there were some of those bulutong-like rushes in my arms..
i was alarmed!
well it's not like a typhical chicken pox rushes that you can see on kiddos cause it is just tiny compare to a real chicken pox, but im afraid that it is!
so i showed
ate (whick is a nurse) my rushes and she said that if it is a chicken pox, i should have fever first before i got the rushes.
when she said that, i saw light of hope whispering that this is not a chicken pox..
but right this morning, when i woke up, they all multiplied!
i got it at my back, my tummy and on my legs!
oh i so hate it! i mean i have so so many plans for summer, but it'll be ruin because of this chicken fncks!!
and i need to go to class! it's our final week!
i'll just ask
nanay to come with me to the hospital this weekend to check out what are this rushes i have..

ANOTHER PROBLEM: our annual book on my high school was done!
i should be happy right? but NO! my picture ther was a big NO NO!
im so ugly there! i mean im not beautiful, but when you saw my pic there, i bet you'll laugh!
i was then about to laugh when sir viƱas (photographer) got the picture..
i hate him! he didnt een told me that i was not looking good there! oh not looking good, not looking NORMAL!
my nose there were big (because im about to laugh)..
you can see into my face that i was trying not to laugh, and that made the picture a major embarassment!
for sure my schoolmates will tease me if they saw that.. and i will be again a clown for them..
uurrrggghhhh!!!!! i hate it! i hate this day! i hate this life!!
i think im having my bad karma because of my dirty deeds i did before..
just like on our exam..
i studied a lil, but come on, over 100 items, i only got 27! what the heck?!
but i didnt study hard and i still got 1.0 on our graded recitation there.. not that bad..

good thing i have my carlo..
he's making my life complete..

oh i just wish i'll pass this trials in my life..


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