Sunday, December 5, 2010

390 days of missing my blogspot.

And I miss blogging here. Reading my previous blog posts makes me miss the young me. The free, the playful, the I-don't-care-as-long-as-I'm-happy and say-whatever-I-wanna-say me.
In the past two years, blogging has been a part of me. It is the only way I can let out all the feelings that my heart cannot manage to control. It is the only way for me to know cool people and witness their awesomeness. It is the only one who's been always there for me when I have nobody to talk to and when nobody cares to listen.
I just love writing, even I'm the only one who believe I can write and most people don't give a fuss about anything I say. It is the easiest way for me to show that I have learned something, from school, from experience and from the people I share my life with.
I'll never stop writing and blogging. As long as I have the courage and as long as there are people who like what I'm doing, I'll continue writing, from my heart and soul.

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