Tuesday, April 21, 2009


GAHD! It was like 20 days ago since the last time I touched my blog, and I miss this stuff. Swear. It's not that I don't have much time or I'm just too busy with wutev', it's just that I AM SO LAZY. I wanna write something but my mind and my hands were too lazy to think and to type anything. And now, that I am experiencing one of the highest potential of boredom in my whole entire life, I was urge to write.

I saw my blog account and those blogs I've wrote before, and I was not happy. I realized, it's hard to read and my style was fugly. Now, I'll try to write as formal as I can so readers (if I have any) will not find it difficult to understand what I'm saying and they'll continue reading sh!ts about me. I'll write in a blue-jeans style that my Professor in English taught me before. I'll write it casually simple and easy to understand. Right?

OH MAH GAWD! I'ts summer, and ironically rainy season. I wanna go out and hang out wherever but the rain stops me now. I don't like this feeling. My excitement in life was not as before, and i feel a lil tired of everything. I want to do lots'a things but I don't know where I'll start. Yuh I'm happy, but there is something missing. Weird? I think so.

Oh let's just change the topic. UURRRGGGGHHH!!! School is really stressing me out! I had this problem before in one of my subjects and I've already solved it. Now all of us in our section are problematic about one of our minor subject. It's just a minor subject but we can't enrol for the next semester if we couldn't find solution to this problem! Darn it!

There are tons of problems, good thing is that I still find ways to overcome the sadness that problems give me. I have my JAMROCK friends. I really love them all. We've been friends for like 4 years and it's like we knew each other since birth. We had an overnight swimming and that made us closer to each other. I find myself lucky having those kinds of friends. Yeah they're really mean sometimes, but you'll surely laugh and have a good time when you're with them.
Also with my TRASHTALK AMF friends. We're just new but i enjoy company with them. Well I just hope that there will be no trouble to come.
One more thing is our new baby in the house, ADRIELLE, the son of my big bro. He's so cute and staring at him completes my day. I'm so excited for his growth and I wanna hear him call me "zietta vina" (Italian word for auntie).
And the one that makes me happy the most is my Ian Carlo P. Macuñal. His existence in my life is like a food to my soul. Yah I'm too young to feel this much love, but I think I'm lucky.We've been together for 17 months and not like others who just have the title of bf-gf thing, those months are all filled with love. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH.

I think I've posted late, cause summer is like so over now. Well not a biggie. Im now tired of witing and my brain can't sequence all information it has. Till then. Adios. :)

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