Wednesday, April 29, 2009


This is for real, I am now really suffering from that fuckin' insomnia! I wanna go to sleep like damn! I wanna rest my eyes cause my eye bags are so HUGE! My face has no space for new pimples and my skin is so fuckin' ugly! I'm just 17 years old but I think I look like 20! God! Please help me Lord. I don't know what to do. I close my eyes, but still stuffs are goin into my mind. I'm goin crazy now!!!!!
But I have my mom and my tito with me. They're still up right now. My mom bought burgers, and now that I'm full, it'll be harder for me to sleep! DANG! and I'll get up 3 pm, I can't watch wowowee.. huhuhuhu..
I'm tired, my mind and my body want to sleep but my eyes are not participating..

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